Title: The Last Song
Release: September 8 (DVD, Sweden)
Genre: Romantic Drama
Actors: Miley Cyrus,
Liam Hemsworth,
Greg Kinnear,
Bobby Coleman
Plot: Rebellious teenager reunites/reconnect/stays with her father for the summer, where she meets Will. And summer doesnt go as she imagined.
Ninnie: Okey so this movie was over all good but it's sort of like the writer wants to put every Cliché scenario into the story
Victoria: Couldn't agree more. Some parts are really lame (though other people might find those parts very... good?) but there's definitely parts in the movie that are good. I want to give heads up to the little brother!
Ninnie: Oh yes we love him!
Victoria: So, Ninnie... Would you say that the movie was predictable?
Ninnie: Hm? Yes mostly I could definitely tell what was going to happen. I guess I'd say that was predictable. What do you say?
Victoria: Yeah, I feel the same way. There were never really one scene that shocked or surprised me.
Ninnie: What do you say about the actors performance?
Victoria: As I mentioned earlier, I really liked the Bobby Coleman, who played the little brother. He did great ! The dad was really good too. When it comes to Miley Cyrus, who played the main character, I'm not really sure. The thing is, I am not a Miley fan to begin with and it took me quite a while to actually start to like her. She did alright though.
Ninnie: Considering that she's been playing Hannah Monatana for a couple of years, you'd think she would be a better actress. Although she did pretty good over all.
So who do you think should see this movie?
Victoria: People who like really cheesy romantic drama movies. People who easily cry to movies will defintely shed a tear to this one. Might not reach out all that much to guys?
Ninnie: No definitely not.
Victoria: Let's sum it up, shall we. It's good movie if you ARE looking for a typical romantic drama, and like "the way" movies are usually set up. We would recommend this movie to everyone besides the ones that want to see a more unpredictable movie and wants a little bit extra of everything.
Ninnie: Yep, its sort of like the movie is missing that extra part that makes it memorable.
Ninnie: 3/5
Victoria: 3/5
......Coming up as a requested movie: "Man On Fire"
Peas & carrots /V&N